Stunning Concrete Decor Ideas Impress Modernity to Your Residence

Astonishing Living Space Design of Pavilion Wairau House with Soft Grey Colored Concrete Chimney Wall and Dark Brown Wooden Ceiling

The Escapism, a modern residence in Wairau Valley, looks very adorable while blending the concrete decor ideas with the wooden ornamentation. The application of these materials really meets the rural landscape. By looking at this home construction at the far sight, we may capture a very comfortable and accommodative place to live in. Anyone who stays in there will feel like homey a lot.

This dwelling home applies the concrete interior ideas mainly at the exterior design. It is intended to accentuate the contemporary look as well has to heal the breezy weather from the outside to come enter the house inside. In the outdoor pool area, the concrete ornamentation is utilized for the courtyard. The exposed brick wall has successfully given the classic look for this backyard space. Then, to rise up more the beautiful nuance, the architect arranges colorful ornamental plantations surrounding the pool terrace and complete it with spacious enough green grass lawn.

Astounding Sideyard Design of Pavilion Wairau House with White Colored Outer Wall which is Made from Concrete and Black Colored Metallic Pillars

In the meantime, the woodsy silhouette comes from the application of house posts and furniture. It terrifically adorns the entire spot of the home so much. You may see that this residence building is intentionally constructed to blend perfectly with the hilly scenery as if it part of the landscape itself. The architect also defines this building as the green house by applying the solar panel that is attached to the roof and the open space concept.

Awesome Outdoor Hallway Design of Pavilion Wairau House with Dark Grey Colored Concrete Floor and Bright Cream Lighting from Floor Lamp

Your attention cannot be separated as well to the utilization of siding panel. This home exterior decoration usually uses to let the air flow to in and out the room easily so all of the smell odor can be banished as quickly as possible. It is also adapts the minimalist interior concrete walls ideas in a good way that finally makes the house becomes a terrific building impression.

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