Unusual Dog Houses
Your K9 kid needs their own unusual and unique space. They need somewhere to get away from the weather. They also need somewhere that isn’t going to be overwhelmed with kids. Your dog deserves a place where they feel safe and secure, even when you are not home. While this is especially true of outside dogs, inside dogs shouldn’t be ignored. The also need some where to get away and enjoy their time alone, a place of peace. So without further ado, here are some unusual ideas for your dog.
First let’s go with inside dog houses. Now, the most wonderful thing about these is that you can be as creative as your imagination will allow. You are not forced to focus on safety from the elements. It just needs to be a space for your pet to hang out and be safe until you get home from work. So, please get inventive.
Take a corner of the laundry room, or mud room. Close in a corner. Create a back door that leads out side. Incorporate some unique features, such as a tug rope hanging out of the wall, dog bones or chew toys hiding under “diggable hideaways” or make the floor completely out of dirt. The choice is yours. Try under a bed or stairs for an unusual dog house.
Now lets go to the outside dog house. Take a look at a treehouse for dogs. The advantage to these is that it gives your dog an aerial view of the entire yard. It puts them up off the ground, which would be a benefit in rain or snow if your yard floods. The definite disadvantage is that you give your dog a way to escape if you put it too close to the fence. It would also make it dangerous in high storms. Anytime the wind gets bad, you will need to secure it.
A unusual option is an underground dog house. It has a door that seals so that it would not fill with rain. It would give your dog a home that is warm year around. The disadvantage is that you will have to watch your bedding, it would be hard to keep ticks and fleas at bay. It would also take a professional to build because if you don’t get it right it wouldn’t hold out the rain.
Either way, indoor or out, you may want to take in these considerations. 1) create a hatch so that you can get to your pet if you need to without having to climb in. 2) Feeding your dog in its house will make it a suitable habitat for unwelcome critters. 3) You will want to make sure you add a feature to aid in the cleaning process. This could be a slide out floor or removable bedding. As long as you can get in to clean it both you and your pet will be happy.
For an indoor dog house, try attaching hooks for leashes, bins for toys, or a hiding spot for treats. It creates an entire environment for your pet and convenience for you.