Unique House Concept to Make Contrasting Exterior Design
The unique house can be designed by many styles that can make the home looks more captivating. Designed with contrasting design in the exterior style can be good choice to make the modern home looks more wonderful. The Kubik Extension has been designed by Guillermo Reynes Architecture Studio. This home has unique exterior design with combination of artistic white exterior and cubic extension. The cubic extension is designed with earthy color that looks striking between the white artistic interior. The contrast design can make the home looks so wonderful. The cube design really makes different appearance to the home exterior.
The unique house designs exterior is powerfully obtained from the cube design. The cube design provides modern design in the white home exterior. When we go to the main entrance of the home, we will see the fences are designed from the exposed stone wall. The expose stone wall and beautiful green trees make the main entrance looks so natural. In the other part of the home, the architect combines the earthy and white color perfectly. This treatment is applied by the architect to break the monotony design in the unique house exterior design.
The cube shape looks so adorable. This design is an impressive idea that has high quality design. The earthy exterior design is paired with the green environment surround the home. The cube extension is a wonderful idea to make the home exterior looks extraordinary. The unusual designs that can make the owner feel more comfort and satisfy. The two story cube building looks so cute. Completed with small windows are like an eye in the cube shape. This design looks so enchanting with the unique house.
In the other part of the unique house plans, the building is designed with huge glass windows. This window can make the home looks more fascinating and wonderful. The huge glass window also let the natural sunlight to enter the home interior. When we enter the building, we will surprise with the beautiful indoor swimming pool. The fresh blue water is combined with wooden decoration looks so impressive. The unique house can be appropriate design to create modern home design.