How to Choose Bathroom Flooring
Just like other floors in your home, bathroom flooring should combine functionality and beauty. As far as aesthetics are concerned the bathroom floor plays a big role in creating a suitable theme. Here are several factors to be put into consideration when choosing a suitable bathroom floor.
- Budget
You will have to determine the amount of money you are willing to set aside for the bathroom floor beforehand. This will allow you to narrow down the type of flooring that will fit into your budget. For instance if you’re on a very restricted budget, you could opt for vinyl tiles instead of ceramic tiles which are more costly.
- Duration
You will have to think about the length of time you intend to live in a house. If you plan to stay there for a long time you should opt for a more durable material that can last a long time. If you plan to rent or sell your property you will also need to consider the installing flooring that will be appealing to the incoming tenants or owners.
- Think functionality
Carpeted bathrooms may be cozier however they aren’t waterproof therefore ceramic tiles may be a more practical option. Carpets are also great breeding grounds for bacterial especially due to the humid conditions. The same applies to wooden floors which are also not recommended for bathrooms. It is therefore important to consider durable waterproof materials for bathroom flooring.