6 color schemes for home décor

  Monochromatic Theme    

One of the main principles of home decorating is the use of structured color schemes.  By using a color wheel you could find out which color scheme will be suitable for your home.  To guide you through this process we have compiled a list of the most popular color schemes used.

  • Monochromatic

This is the use of a single neutral color or in some instances the tonal variations of a single color can be used. The most commonly used monochromatic color schemes include white, beige and grey.  Monochromatic color schemes can be complimented with a textured finish which adds character to walls.

Monochromatic Theme on the Color Wheel

  • Two complementary colors

You could decide to use two colors which lie opposite each other on the color wheel.  Complementary colors usually contrast well with each other, producing a great effect.

Two Complimentary Color Scheme

  • 3 of a kind

This is an analogous method of choosing a color scheme from colors that lie beside each other on the color wheel.

Tetrad Color Scheme


  • Almost 3 of a kind

This is sometimes referred to as a split complementary color scheme and it combines one principle color with two other colors that are close to each other on the color wheel. The colors are strategically applied astride each other.

Three of a Kind Color Scheme

  • 3-part harmony

This is sometimes referred to as triad color scheme and it consists of colors that are far apart on the color wheel.  This means that the colors three colors contrast sharply but blend well when incorporated in home décor.

Split Complementary Color Wheel

  • 4-part harmony

This is sometimes called the tetrad color scheme and it features four colors that are equally spaced. In most cases the colors consist of neutralized shades. This color scheme may not be easy to pull off but when executed well the results are great.

Four Part Harmony





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